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The NSW Resources Regulator has commenced an investigation after 2 workers were injured while inflating and inspecting a semi-trailer truck

Front view of tyre and wheel assembly fitted to the tyre-fitting machine after the incident


The NSW Resources Regulator will host 2 webinars in March to ensure practising certificate holders nominated to exercise statutory functions

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The NSW Resources Regulator has issued a safety alert after a haul truck tyre rim was ejected into the air, putting a worker at risk. The

The mine workshop where the rim was ejected


Over the years there have been many incidents caused by the failure to effectively isolate and dissipate energy before undertaking work on

Isolation process video thumbnail


The NSW Resources Regulator would like to thank interested parties for their written submissions on the discussion paper. The consultation

Outlines of two speech bubbles intersecting.


Safe Work Australia has reduced the workplace exposure standard for welding fumes from 5mg/m3 to 1mg/m3 . The new standard is published in

Worker welding metal


The NSW Resources Regulator has published a fact sheet on its human and organisational factors data review. The Regulator engaged the Keil

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The NSW Resources Regulator has been working closely with the operator of Russell Vale coal mine since an initial frictional ignition event

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Dellworth Pty Limited (ACN 002 998 192) has applied to the Department of Regional NSW – Mining, Exploration and Geoscience (MEG) for a Group

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Our recently-released mine safety performance report provides an overview of the NSW mining industry’s health and safety results for 2022–23

The front cover of the Annual mine safety performance report 2022–23 on a blue background


The NSW Resources Regulator has issued a consolidated report for an assessment program between March and September 2023 that focused on

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The NSW Resources Regulator has issued a safety alert after it received notification of a near miss where 2 workers avoided being hit or

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