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Prosecution summaries


Hamilton, David (worker)

Albury Quarry - Shot-firing incident (near miss – no injuries).

Date of incident
Decision date
Offence/allegation details
Contravention of section 32 of Work Health and Safety Act 2011, by failing to comply with a health and safety duty under Section 28 of the Act. Contravention of section 17(1) Work Health and Safety (Mines & Petroleum Sites Act) 2013, by failing to preserve the incident site of a notifiable incident. Contravention of section 188 of Work Health and Safety Act 2011, by intentionally hindering or obstructing an inspector.
Guilty plea - Convicted and fined $22,500 and ordered to pay the Regulator's costs.
Further information

District Court of NSW judgment: [2021] NSWDC 688


Hamiltons Blasting Services Pty Ltd

Albury Quarry - Shot-firing incident (near miss – no injuries).

Date of incident
Decision date
Offence/allegation details
Contravention of section 31 of Work Health and Safety Act 2011, by failing to comply with a health and safety duty under section 19 of the Act. Contravention of section 32 of Work Health and Safety Act 2011, by failing to comply with a health and safety duty under section 19 of the Act. Contravention of section 15(2) of Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Act 2013, by failing to notify the regulator of a notifiable incident. Contravention of section 17 of Work Health and Safety (Mines and Petroleum Sites) Act 2013, by failing to preserve the incident site of a notifiable incident.
Guilty plea - convicted and fined $324,000 and ordered to pay Resources Regulator's costs.
Further information

District Court of NSW judgments: [2021] NSWDC 688


Helensburg Coal Pty Limited

Metropolitan Colliery, Helensburg near Sydney - Serious injuries to worker struck by flying chain parts on longwall.

Date of incident
Decision date
Offence/allegation details
Contravention of section 8(1) of Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000.
Guilty plea - Convicted and fined $175,000 plus costs.
Further information

Industrial Court of NSW judgment: [2008] NSWIRComm 2


Hunter Quarries Pty Ltd

Karuah Quarry, Karuah - Fatal injuries to worker while operating an excavator.

Date of incident
Decision date
Offence/allegation details
Contravention of section 32 of Work Health and Safety Act 2011, by failing to comply with a health and safety duty under section 19(1) of the Act.
Defendant found not guilty.
Further information

District Court of NSW judgments: [2019] NSWDC 634

Case stated from the District Court under s 5AE of the Criminal Appeal Act 1912 - Court of Criminal Appeal [2022] NSWCCA 39


Hunter Quarries Pty Ltd

Karuah Quarry, Karuah - Fatal injuries to worker - runaway truck over embankment.

Date of incident
Decision date
Offence/allegation details
Contravention of section 8(1) of Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000.
Guilty plea - Convicted and fined $214,500.
Further information

Decision: 30 October 2009 (Industrial Court), 19 December 2017 (Supreme Court) and 10 May 2018 (High Court).

  • Industrial Court: [2009] NSWIRComm 179
  • Appeal by Hunter Quarries Pty Ltd.
  • Supreme Court – Court of Criminal Appeal: [2017] NSWCAA 326
  • Application for special leave to appeal by Hunter Quarries Pty Ltd. 
  • High Court of Australia judgment: [2018] HCAL 126

Integra Coal Operations Pty Ltd

Integra Coal Underground Mine, Glennies Creek via Singleton - Fatal injuries to worker struck by shear shaft of longwall shear.

Date of incident
Decision date
Offence/allegation details
Contravention of section 8 of Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000.
Guilty plea - Convicted, fined $195,500 and ordered to pay Regulator's costs.
Further information

Industrial Court of NSW judgment: [2015] NSWIC 15


Integra Coal Operations Pty Ltd

Integra Underground Colliery, Glennies Creek near Singleton - Serious injury to eye from grouting machine.

Date of incident
Decision date
Offence/allegation details
Contravention of section 8(2) of Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000.
Convicted, fined $55,000 plus costs in Chief Industrial Magistrate’s Court.

JVUM Pty Ltd (formerly United Mining Pty Ltd) t/as United Mining Services

Glennies Creek Colliery, Glennies Creek near Singleton - High risk exposure to high voltage arcing fault underground.

Date of incident
Decision date
Offence/allegation details
Contravention of section 8(1) of Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000.
Guilty plea - Convicted and fined $90,000 plus costs.
Further information

Industrial Court of NSW judgment: [2006] NSWIRComm 407


LakeCoal Pty Ltd

Chain Valley Colliery, Chain Valley - Fatal injuries to worker crushed by fall of unsupported rib coal.

Date of incident
Decision date
Offence/allegation details
Contravention of sections 8(1) and 8(2) of Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000.
Guilty plea - Convicted, fined $250,000 and ordered to pay Regulator's costs - District Court of NSW.

LakeCoal Pty Ltd (in liquidation)

Mannering Colliery, Mannering Park - Serious injury to worker struck by damaged W-strap while travelling underground.

Date of incident
Decision date
Offence/allegation details
Contravention of section 19(1) of Work Health and Safety Act 2011.
Undefended trial - LakeCoal Pty Limited convicted and fined $180,000 and ordered to pay the Regulator’s costs.
Further information

District Court of NSW judgments: [2019] NSWDC 360[2019] NSWDC 402
