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More than 300 people attended the 2021 NSW Mine Rehabilitation Forum, which was held online on 8 September 2021. It was a fantastic

Image of a computer monitor displaying a video with the text 'watch now'

Rehabilitation Report

The bi-annual exploration and mining rehabilitation report for January to June 2021 has been released to provide information about our



We have published a Rehabilitation Information Release about geomorphic landform establishment on part of the Mount Pleasant Operations coal

Geomorphic landform establishment at Mount Pleasant Operations coal mine


In June 2019, significant soil erosion was observed at a waste rock emplacement (Western Emplacement Area) at the Ravensworth Operations

Photo of the Ravensworth Operations open cut coal mine


The NSW Resources Regulator has published a new Rehabilitation Information Release following the successful completion of rehabilitation on

Concrete platform overlooking ocean


There has been some notable additions and enhancements to the Regulator Portal , with the following forms now available: Rehabilitation

Screenshot of Mining Act forms


We are seeking your feedback on six draft guidelines to support the proposed new rehabilitation standard conditions and associated mandatory

Cows in paddock surrounded by trees with have your say graphic over the top


Public consultation on the Mining Amendment (Standard Conditions of Mining Leases – Rehabilitation) Regulation 2020 closed on 6 November

Cows in paddock surrounded by trees with have your say graphic over the top


Thirty-eight hectares of the north pit area, known as ‘Domain 2’ at the former Westside Mine at Wakefield have been successfully

Virtual tour of Achieving rehabilitation completion at Westside Mine


We are seeking feedback on the Mining Amendment (Standard Conditions of Mining Leases - Rehabilitation) Regulation 2020 and associated

Cows in paddock surrounded by trees with have your say graphic over the top

Rehabilitation Report

The inaugural bi-annual exploration and mining rehabilitation report for January to June 2020 has been released to provide information about



Industrial land use comes from successful quarry rehabilitation The NSW Resources Regulator has published a new Rehabilitation Information

Aerial photograph of the Horsley Park Quarry rehabilitation area